A Psychologist Explains The Experience Of 'Postpartum Rage'

A Psychologist Explains The Experience Of 'Postpartum Rage'

Postpartum rage is an intense emotional state that many new mothers experience but often remains overlooked. In a viral TikTok video, a young mother expresses her anger by throwing ice into her bathtub, sparking a divided reaction among viewers. Some supported her cathartic outlet, while others were concerned for her and her child's safety. This video has opened a conversation about postpartum rage, which involves intense anger and aggressive behaviors, often coupled with symptoms like depression, loneliness, and insomnia. Research indicates that postpartum rage is common, affecting about 35% of women around six weeks postpartum. Despite its prevalence, it remains understudied due to historical stereotypes that focus on women's depression rather than their anger.

Unchecked postpartum rage poses significant risks to both mothers and their children, potentially leading to severe outcomes like shaken baby syndrome. However, there are healthy outlets for this anger. Suggestions include using rage rooms, physical exercise, therapy, and unconventional methods like throwing ice. Finding a safe way to release this rage is crucial for a mother's well-being and her family's safety. Ultimately, any outlet that helps mothers healthily express their emotions without causing harm should be encouraged, even if unconventional.

Read the full article here: https://link.agpostpartum.com/jGXey